
Daniel Ek net worth: How rich is the Spotify CEO who wants to buy Arsenal?

ARSENAL fans are furious with owner Stan Kroenke following the club's failed European Super League plans.

The Gunners were one of the Premier League's Big Six who had planned to breakaway from the Champions League and form the ESL.

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The Swede tweeted during Arsenal's clash with Everton: "As a kid growing up, I’ve cheered for Arsenal as long as I can remember.

"If KSE would like to sell Arsenal I'd be happy to throw my hat in the ring."

He has been an Arsenal fan since 1991 and started supporting the Gunners because of Anders Limpar.

But Arsenal fans still need Kroenke, who also owns the Los Angeles Rams and the Denver Nuggets, to sell.

Hundreds of fans turned out at the Emirates before Arsenal's defeat to Everton to make their feelings about Kroenke known, but we could be a long way off before any sale is considered.


Artie Phelan

Update: 2024-06-04